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Everyone registering for the conference is invited to submit an abstract for active participation in the conference via oral- or poster-presentation!

How to upload an abstract

Abstract Upload Deadline:
*Wednesday, June 8th 2022*

Abstract can be uploaded through the IPB's "Indico" system.

You can access the system by clicking the "Upload your Abstract" button above or below. It will quide you to the indico website where your will be able to upload your abstract for the conference. If you are unsure on how to upload your abstract, click on the "submission instructions" in the pop-up window for the abstract submission.

Abstract Submission

How to upload a Presentation or Poster

Presentation Upload Deadline:
*One day before your scheduled presentation*

Once your abstract is accepted, presentations and posters can be uploaded through the IPB's "Indico" system. Note that you should upload your contributions at least one day before your scheduled presentation.

You can access the "Indico" system by clicking the "Upload your Contribution" button below or at the top of the page. It will quide you to the indico website where your will be able to upload your presentation or poster for the conference.

Contributon Upload

Step 1

Select "My Contributions" from the menu. Your contributions will be listed. Additional Flash Talks will be listed as separate contributions. Select your desired contribution.

Upload Contribution_1.PNG

Step 2

Click on the pencil at "Presentation Materials" to open the editor for your files.

Upload Contribution_2.PNG

Step 3

​Click on "Upload files" to open a new window to upload your files.

Upload Contribution_3.PNG

Step 4

You can choose your files from your computer or drag them into the uploading field. 
If you want to keep your presentation protected (not publically available), enable the protection. You do not need to add any users in the access control list.

Upload Contribution_4.PNG

©2022 Plant Science Student Conference 2022. Erstellt mit

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